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Child Protection Policy

JSDA recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of children and young people, being a main priority at all times.  We believe it is unacceptable for a child or young person to experience any form of abuse, and aim to provide a safe environment to protect all children, young people and adults within our care.


In order to do this, we recognise the following;

  • The welfare of the child / young person is paramount

  • No child, or group of children must be treated any differently or less favoured than others in being able to access services which meet their needs

  • All children and young people whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual identity have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse

  • Working in partnership with children and young people, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting their welfare


Purpose of the policy:

  • To provide protection for children and young people who receive services from JSDA, including the children of adult members or users

  • To keep all parents, students, staff and other associations with JSDA informed of the policy and procedures as required

  • Providing staff, volunteers and affiliations of JSDA with guidance and training on procedures they should adopt in the event that they suspect a child or young person may be experiencing, or be at risk of harm

  • This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, workshop leaders, students and any affiliations working on behalf of JSDA


We will make every effort to safeguard all children and young people by:

  • Appreciating, listening and respecting them

  • Implementing child safeguarding guidelines through procedures for staff, volunteers and affiliations of JSDA

  • Employing staff, volunteers and affiliations ensuring all thorough checks have been made including; DBS / CRB Enhanced Checks

  • Communicating information regarding child safeguarding with all connections of JSDA – children, parents, staff, volunteers

  • Responding to information about concerns and allegations of abuse – this may require contacting children’s social care services or the independent Local Authority Designated Officer, and in emergencies, the police

  • An annual review on all documentation which promote children’s safety and welfare;

    • Anti-bullying

    • GDPR

    • Photography & Filming

    • Risk Assessment


  • Continuous reviewing of our policy annually


Legislation and Guidance that supports this policy:

  • The Children Act 1989

  • The Police Act 1997

  • The Protection of Children Act 1999

  • The Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000

  • Children’s Act 2004


Safeguarding Procedures


1.1 Designated persons

In order to comply with safeguarding procedures, Designated Persons are staff members of JSDA, teachers and teaching assistants who have the specific responsibility of ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all safeguarding and protection procedures.

  • Designated Persons have a responsibility to record any information passed onto them from staff, volunteers, children or parents/guardians/carers who have any concerns.

  • Designated Persons shall assess the information recorded thoroughly, and clarify or obtain any other information about the matter as appropriate, consulting with other colleagues if necessary.

  • If necessary, information recorded will be passed on to a higher authority to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the person.

1.2 Recording of incidents, concerns and referrals

All incidents, concerns or referrals of child abuse shall be recorded on paper.

1.3 Confidentiality

JSDA is committed to keeping all information confidential.  In the case that there is a concern of wellbeing, the information recorded may require for JSDA to pass on details to children’s social care services, emergency services or an independent local authority designated officer. 

1.4 Behaviour

All staff, volunteers and associations of JSDA must;

  • Treat all children, young people and adults with respect

  • Ensure professional standards are held at all times

  • Provide an example of good conduct, that others would wish to follow

  • Respecting a child, young person or adult’s right to personal privacy 

  • Encourage everyone to feel comfortable and caring to voice attitudes, manners or behaviour they do not like

  • Being cautious when in a room with a single child, young person or adult alone with no witness

  • Being aware that physical contact with a child, young person or adult could be misinterpreted

  • Special caution is required when discussing sensitive issues with a child, young person or adult

  • Challenge unacceptable behaviour, taking necessary action 

  • Report all allegations or suspicions of abuse

Staff, volunteers and associations must not;

  • Show favouritism to any individual

  • Make derogatory remarks or gestures in front of children or young people

  • Have inappropriate physical or verbal contact with children, young people or adults

  • Jump to conclusions without checking facts

If staff, volunteers or affiliations of JSDA do not comply with the above information, thorough disciplinary action will be taken

1.5 Recruiting

In order to prevent unsuitable people working with or for JSDA, we will ensure the following, so we can protect all children, young people and adults;

  • That posts for working with JSDA are clear and defined and those necessitating an Enhanced Criminal Record Bureau (CRB / DBS) check is clearly advertised as such

  • All applicants for such work posts will be asked to sign a declaration stating that there is no reason why they would be considered unsuitable to work within the UK, or to work with children, and must declare any previous convictions which are then subject to CRB checks, as well as any cases pending against them.  All such information will be treated in confidence and will not be used against applicants unfairly

  • JSDA will request two references; referees will be asked specifically about the applicant’s suitability to work with children

1.6 Supervision & Training

  • All children and young people must be supervised at all times when in the care of JSDA

  • Children and young people must not be left unsupervised at any venue, indoors or out

  • Staff, volunteers and associates must know where children and young people are at all times and what they are doing, when in their care

  • Any activity using potential dangerous equipment must have constant adult supervision at all times

  • Dangerous behaviour by children and young people is not allowed

All staff and volunteers must have suitable training in the following;

  • Comprehensive Child Safeguarding Training 

  • Particular skills training in the relevant style of dance or performing arts/industry training (teachers only)

  • All staff members will be required to update their training annually 



Last Updated: 1st August 2024

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